When this card appears in a reading, many times it is indeed related to love , relationships, marriage but on a larger global scale, this card to me represents relationships, duality, groups, being honest and bearing ones soul. The trees behind the man or the male energy is on fire - symbolizing passion, drive, determination while the tree behind the woman is strong, fruitful and abundant, however there is that pesky proverbial snake lurking around. I know what you're thinking, he's whispering something into the woman's ear and is going to drive her into some wild-eyed lunatic fringe and cause trouble for the male. Well....perhaps, depends on the question that is being asked when this card appears. Generally speaking, the snake represents renewal, regeneration, or growth and shed their skin - they are adaptive and flexible creatures.
Between the two is an angel orchestrating and possibly facilitating the interaction between the male and female energies and will be a help, provided that both people have an ear towards the heavens.
The above applies when the card is in the upright position, however the card shown is in reverse and has the opposite meaning. There is possibly tension between the two opposing energies, things aren't going as planned, the two are not listening to each other or could be hiding something. It would be a good time to call time out and discuss what barriers or obstacles are facing the relationship and clear the air so that the relationship can continue or come to some agreeable terms to dissolve the union.