Friday, July 20, 2012

Four of Wands

The Four of Wands shows us two women celebrating a victory.  There's dancing and partying in the background.  In the background there is a huge fortress or perhaps a home - this symbolizes faith, strength, being grounded and level headed, or even strong home-ties.

The bridge in the background is a passing over of sorts.  Sometimes before passing into a easier part of our lives we have to go through a bit of trouble or go to places we do not want to go or deal with situations that we do not want to deal with.  I suspect this could be the reason why the victors in this card are so excited - they made it through the difficulties or overcame the odds that were stacked against them in their respective situations.

If today you're facing difficulties, keep persevering, keep a positive outlook, get help or guidance from someone, and keep plugging forward - you will get to the light, to the other side where and reap the rewards of not giving up.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Strength, reversed

The Strength card shows a woman playing with a lion - she has it under her command.  The lion's tale is between its legs and has a happy look on its face.

In the reversed position, the tables are turned on you - you're not in a position of strength or advantage.  This isn't necessarily a bad thing.  Watch the situation closely - if the person who is in command or the lead is open to suggestion then offer words of wisdom based on your past experience.  This can build trust and camaraderie and you might find yourself back in a place of influence once again..

If, however, the person in charge has their own agenda and isn't concerned about the rest of the team or will not take advice from others, then do what you can to minimize the affect of the fall out on you and on others.  Once the dust settles, others will see your proactiveness and possibly reward you for it.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

10 of Wands, reversed

The 10 of Wands shows us a person carrying a big load - he's determined and is focused on moving the load to the proper place.  The reverse of this card could mean lack of focus or determination.

You may have found yourself in a place where things are easier now because of new opportunity - but because things are easier now this isn't a time to become at ease.  Now, more than ever, you need that same focus, drive, and determination that brought you to this point.  The obstacles are there, you may not have found them yet.  This might be a good time to consult with a more experienced person to find out what obstacles or cycles might lie ahead.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Three of Wands

In this card we see a person looking at the world from a high place, surveying the landscape.  Behind him are two Wands planted in the ground, which are symbolic of a doorway.  The ships in the water are symbolic of thoughts going through the mind.

This person is envisioning the future and all it's possibilities, he's planning and looking to exploit and enhance things that occur naturally or finding places that could pose obstacles and taking a mental notes.

This card reminds us that sometimes we need to take time out and pause, plan for the future, explore new possibilities for family, career, even vacation.  Be mindful not to rush through this thought process - while the ships may be on the surface of the water, below the water is a whole new world of possibilities - meditate and perhaps journal your thoughts.

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Tower

One of the cards in the Tarot deck that strikes fear into the hearts of quarents when this appears in the reading.  The Tower looks ominous, terrifying, as lightening has struck the tower causing it to catch fire and it's occupants have taken flight as they have jumped and are in free-fall in the air.

Really, there is nothing to fear here at all, it is a cautionary card meaning that possible sudden change could be coming quickly. The seat of control and power may shift suddenly and without warning.  Perhaps people we were depending on suddenly cannot fulfill on their intentions.

On the other hand, perhaps the old management will quickly be ushered out and replaced with someone who has great people skills, perhaps co-workers who are a thorn in your side will suddenly move on to new opportunities, or perhaps you will receive a new job or promotion - or unexpected money will arrive!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

9 of Cups

The Nine of Cups shows us a person sitting in front of a display of  Cups, he seems to be proud of his accomplishments and saying, "look what I achieved!"

Setting goals and executing a plan is rewarding, however, be careful not to become arrogant or "big headed" - be a light and inspiration to others so that they too can see the possibilities of achievement in their situation.