I thought it might be interesting to do a reading for 2013. The following is an overview of the cards to the right, however I have provided a more detailed reading below.
Wands are also prevalent in this reading which are represented by the Ten of Wands, Eight of Wands, Six of Wands reversed - I'll also throw in the wand the Fool has his sactual on and the flag pole of the Death card. Wands are representative of the Spirit and I'm sensing the issue(s) we will face this year will be more of a Spiritual battle than anything else. Yes, there might be confrontation with people but the root cause, in my opinion, is Spiritual. We need to take the wisdom of the Four of Cups, meditate on the situation, possible contingencies so that we can be Spiritually and mentally prepared.
If we are Spiritually prepared then our mind will be open - this is representative by the color Blue in the Knight of Swords, reversed, Ten of Swords, Four of Cups, Eight of Wands, Page of Swords reversed, Six of Swords, and Two of Cups. If our minds are open we can receive the word of the Spirit and work through our situations that we will face.
The swords and cup cards seem to be balanced (Knight of Swords, reversed, Four of Swords reversed, Page of Swords reversed vs 4 of Cups, Two of Cups. The Magician will count for both swords and cups). Cups are representative of emotion and swords mental thought. So while the situations we face may be Spiritual in nature that does not mean that we will not become emotional - we will. But we need to keep a balance on our emotions and try and react only when necessary. So this year, be patient, be diplomatic, be kind, listen to the Spirit, meditate, and situations should turn out better than expected.
The Knight of Pentacles is the card for February. Continued patience from January is still required for February. Diplomacy, represented by the plowed field in the background, which is symbolic of giving and receiving, may still be required to get through your situation. But be bold and show the other party that you mean business. The knight in this card is still dressed for battle - this would indicate that while you come in peace, you're not looking for a fight but you are prepared for one.
The Ten of Wands is the card for March which shows a man carrying a very heavy and awkward load. While peace might have been achieved, sometimes it does come with price and many times keeping the peace is much harder than negotiating a peace settlement. But bear in mind here, you do not have to do all of the heavy lifting - yes, there may be difficulties but the wands in this image represents the Spirit. It is important to listen to the Spirit so that we do not fall into traps where we are receiving the short end of the stick.
In the background of this card we see a small, plowed field, representative of the idea of giving and taking. Remember to take time and meditate, call on the Universe to lead and guide your every footstep and decision. Again, you do not have to do all of the heavy lifting, see where you can take as well. But keep the give and take in balance.
The Four of Cups is the card for April. This is a time of contemplation, meditation, slowing down and reflecting on the first few months of the year. This is a time where the Spirit will show you what can be added or removed from your life. During this time be open and honest with yourself and look for ways to improve your life and your situation. Perhaps there might be an opportunity to tweak the deal reached earlier in the year so that both sides benefit. Be ready for change.
May is represented by the Four of Swords, reversed - a person lying on a bed comfortably in repose But in the reversed position this would signify that it's time to get ready to move and take action. The steps or situation changes revealed in April, put some thought into making the ethereal practical - this is symbolized by the suit of the swords which are representative of thought.
June is represented by the Eight of Swords is a time to take action, move forward, and act quickly. The time of planning, contemplation, is over. As mentioned earlier, wands are symbolic of the Spirit - move and be lead by the Spirit. Act in faith.
The blue sky is representative of openness, and I'm sensing this is a time of change, personal growth. New opportunities will emerge as well as new challenges. Put the plan in motion that has been in the works since April.
The Page of Swords, reversed is the card for July. This card shows a young person who appears to be practicing with a sword, facing a headwind. In the reverse position, this would signify that you are prepared. All of the change you have experienced my have left you feeling that you are not prepared, that you are unskilled or unable to face the new challenges or situation but you are. Remember, swords are representative of thought - keep your head, don't loose your cool. Stay focused.
The Magician, reversed is the card for August. The Magician is a focused, energetic, confident person. He knows who he is but he also knows where his power comes from. The reverse of this card though would indicate or warn us that we might be becoming unfocused, overwhelmed We could be facing contingencies that weren't planned for. Discouragement and disillusionment might be creeping in. This might be a sign to stop, take time out and remove yourself from the situation and take a vacation.
The card for September is The Fool. This card shows a young person, full of faith, carefree, taking flight on his journey. Indeed faith has returned, a belief that the possible is possible, a fresh perspective of the situation or journey has come to us. God is watching over us, represented by the Sun. While there are challenges, they aren't as ominous as feared a few months earlier.
The dog is representative of our Spirit guide - that little voice that speaks to us. Pay attention to that voice, things might be great for the moment but they could sour if there is a misstep. Pay attention to the terrain, watch for signs environmental or circumstantial change.
October is a time for being level headed, which is represented by the Six of Wands, reversed. You may not feel victorious as you reach this part of the year. It's been a hell of a fight, you've persevered and you've kept your focus. Sure there have been a few mistakes but you have to ask yourself, 'is life perfect?' There's beauty in imperfection don't let the mistakes or missed opportunities bring you down as you've made it farther than you envisioned just a few short months ago.
November is represented by the card that brings fear into the hearts of people when this appears in a reading. Fear not, Death does not mean literal death, but a time for change, separation from you and someone or a situation.
However, in the reverse, Death still represents change, but change of a lesser degree, which might be positive or negative. But I see that depending on what preparations taken in April and the May time period pretty much sets the tempo and the direction of how things may end up in November. Do not take that lull in April and May as a time to take a mental vacation or wishfully hope that the situation will magically disappear. Meditate, seek the Spirit, think things out logically so that when you arrive in your November things are in a state that you can be satisfied with.
Resolution comes in December, which is represented by the Two of Cups. Both sides see a truce, an agreement, and peace. During this year, be firm but fair, be kind without being condescending. - you will need this so that you can reach agreement.
If you've had the wrong attitude, been coarse with the person or situation you are trying to resolve. If you've been heavy handed or unfair you will have a difficult time reaching agreement and, if agreement is reached, it will be