The Emperor is a man in high position - he arrived at his place of prominence because he was strong willed, had great determination, learned from experience - both good and bad. He's very patient, he's waiting to see how events will unfold, however he can step in at a moments notice and influence the situation.
A quiet, still stream runs behind the Emperor, symbolizing his emotional state - calm, watchful, at peace, confident in his ability to lead and take charge when necessary.
His beard is grey - his wisdom has deep meaning and knows that every situation doesn't require brute force or a sword for a resolution to come about. He wears armor and is not afraid of going into battle however he is also adorned in red cloth, indicating to us that he can have a softer, gentler side, perhaps even be a negotiator. The Emperor knows which battles are worth fighting.
The staff or cross the Emperor holds is a symbol for balance, reminding us that we we need to look at all sides of a situation, not be quick to judge, put ourselves into someone else's shoes and attempt to see the other person's point of view.
I didn't really know about Tarot...(had done no research on depth) but I decided to get a reading from David...and it was so RIGHT ON!! Everything made sense, made me want to look into the deeper meaning of each card...I believe because I read Arch Angel's truly just a spirtual line of communication. TY Tarot Hand!