Friday, January 27, 2012

Three of Pentacles

This card displays collaboration between three people.  There are two people on the right holding a set of plans who they are working with the Master Craftsman, who is on the left.  The two on the right are also under a doorway, which represents the past and the present as they have spent time amongst themselves drawing up the plans or the vision.  The Master Craftsmen, on the left, and he’s also under a doorway, representing the future – he’s attempting to fulfill the vision of the two on the left.  The Master Craftsmen could be explaining the pros/cons of their plan and also offering some alternatives the two may not have considered.  The Master Craftsmen represents experience, knowledge.  

There are three forces at work here, symbolized by the three pentacles near the top of the card in a triangle – each Pentacle represents each person and the five elements (earth, air, fire, water, spirit) within each person – there is a circle with a cross in the middle of the three pentacles, which represents the plan.  The plan keeps everyone on the same page; the Master Craftsmen offers tweaks and suggestion to make things better or to point out deficiency in the plan or in the building structure while the other two provide feed back.

Below the triangle with the three Pentacles is another triangle with it’s point converging into a pillar.  In the center of the triangle is a flower with a cross representing earth, air, fire, water – the circle, which is the flower, is the Spirit.  So the three become one and form a flower - which represents growth.

This card is a firm reminder that sometimes when we have plans or dreams we may need consultation from another to guide us, offer encouragement when we're on the right track, or offer instruction when we may be a miss in our thinking.

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