Saturday, October 1, 2011

Ten of Cups

The Ten of Cups shows a man and woman standing together, the man has his right arm around the woman, while the woman has her left arm by her side.  The man has his left arm raised, the woman her right as if to say, "this is the paradise we've created!"  The children are playing, probably singing, laughing and carrying on.  The ground which they stand is completely flat - they are stable, on even footing.  Being that the ground is brown, this would indicate this family is grounded, even tempered, they look at all of the facts/issues or the entire situation prior to giving a judgement.

They have a home on a hill, indicating achievement, trees and rich green grass surround their house - indicating vibrancy, growth, nurturing. The rainbow would represent colors in the chakra's meaning this family is self actualized, their needs are met, everyone's happy, healthy, and hopeful.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Queen of Pentacles, reversed

The Queen of Swords sits on a sturdy throne, the throne has the face of an angel signifying honesty and trust.  The butterflies on the throne and on her crown signify her ability to change or transform things or situations.

Her flaming red hair signifies her passion about her position and the clouds behind her and on her cape symbolize the unknown or unexpected - some times great ideas come out of the clouded unknown.

The lone bird above her head and the prayer beads on her left wrist symbolize her devotion to prayer or Spiritual things.

In the reversed position she is someone who has made her position known, she is calculated, she thinks about herself with disregard for the situation, who might be involved, or who might be affected.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Two of Pentacles

A person standing on a very flat, stable surface juggling and dancing a jig.  Two boats are in the background riding the waves.  The waves represent turmoil, not being at peace, uneasy.  What is interesting about the waves is prior to the first one on the left and after the third one on the right the the line is level while in between the waves there is a definite curve between the waves.  To me this would indicate that the situation is temporary or that much ado is being made about nothing.  The two ships are interesting, the ship on the persons right is much smaller than the one on his left - even the wave on his right is much smaller than the one on his left..  The person in the image is also looking to the left.  The left is a symbol for weakness or from a position of disadvantage.  Ironically, the position of the persons left hand seems to be closer to the wave on his left - perhaps this is a subconscious move to try and calm or push the wave down and try and bring balance to the situation.

Certainly there is a look of concern on the persons face; he's also dressed in red.  To me, this reaffirms his concern.

Also this card could mean that he's just going along and trying to get through this situation the best he can and making the best of it.  This is best symbolized by the Lemniscate, which is the green infinity symbol.  So, while this person is concerned about the situation, whether great or small, he's determined to make it and his persistence will pay off.

One other interpretation for this card is cycles - in this case there could be two opposing cycles which could be at odds with one other or cycling at the same time - it would depend on the question.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Knight of Pentacles

A person on a horse, wearing a suit of armor with the face visor open.  The horse is a rugged, sturdy - this horse is not a race horse but more like a working horse which is able to carry heavy loads.  This would be a symbol for consistency, stable, even-keeled.  The horse is black symbolizing regeneration or change.  I feel this is verified by the hoed rows that are in the field behind the knight.  Seed is planted, it is transformed into some form of life to serve another purpose.

The knight appears to be presenting the coin/orb/globe to someone - he's in a posture of humility.  The armor here I feel is sort of like a shell or skin on a seed - we see the visor opened on his head which to me symbolizes being open to new things.  With the visor open he can see clearer, he can see the peripheral, and part of his mind is open to the Spirit.

So perhaps this card is really telling us that in order for us to grow we need to die to the self, shed off the old skin/armor and allow the Spirit to come in so that it's work can be done through us.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Seven of Pentacles, reversed

The Seven of Pentacles shows a man leaning on a staff contemplating a hearty, sturdy bush which is covered in Pentacles.  There is a Pentacles on the ground on the left of the staff, I see this representing once of the choice "fruits".

The mountains behind the male energy are in the far distance representing the struggle, the work, to get to this point are in the past.

The blue in the male energies garment symbolize Spiritual things while the brown represent  earth energy or human energy - so in essence, the male energy believed in the Universe to provide then acted on his belief to produce this fine green specimen.

Typical meanings for this card are enjoying the fruit of labor, reflecting on the past, reward, nurturing a dream, among other things

In the reverse, this card could mean not working hard enough, lack of return, lack of nurturing, unfulfilled dreams, lack of direction.