Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Two of Swords, reversed

The Two of Swords shows a woman blindfolded, sitting on a bench with swords balanced on her shoulders.  The Moon is in the sky above her right shoulder.  Balance, affection, courage come to mind.

However, in the reversed position, this card signifies stalemate, disloyalty, or lies.  When we find ourselves in this situation, we need to step back and try to access the situation.  The Moon reminds us to use our intuition - usually the first instinct is usually correct.  Be bold and call out things that are untrue, unfair, or morally wrong.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Emperor

The Emperor sits on his throne watching and sizing up all that is going on.  He's watching, he's waiting, he's ready for battle - if the situation is worthy of a fight, but he's also approachable as symbolized by the soft, red garment.

He's passionate about his beliefs and he has years of experience full of triumph - he's solid, like the mountain range behind him.  He's unmovable and secure in his place.

The Emperor reminds us that while we need to be ready for a fight, we also need to pick our battles and let the little stuff go.  Be steady in our beliefs but also be open to new ideas and avoid becoming set in our ways.