Monday, March 19, 2012

Ten of Pentacles

The Ten of Pentacles shows us a couple meeting on the street while an person, advanced in age, sits off to the side petting a dog.  The people are surrounded by walls and buildings/homes - there's a sense of security and happiness in the air.  There are also trees, which represent strength, growth, even triumph because they have survived the elements through years.

In this card we also see loyalty, as represented by dogs.  The child represents a new age, the tapestries on the wall recount the history of the past.  The elder in the person is also symbolic of the past and can relay the tales and stories of days gone by.

What we can draw from this card is a sense of accomplishment, triumph, security but we cannot forget the past and the sacrifices that have brought us to this point in our life - if we do then we're destined to repeat yesterdays mistakes.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Six of Pentacles

The Six of Pentacles shows us a person of statue giving alms from his right and  to a person wearing a yellow covering, he also holds the scales of Justice in his left hand in front of a person in a blue covering on his left.  Both people who are kneeling appear to have suffered through many issues in life - whether of their own devices or not.

The alms giver seem to have made a decision and is giving alms to the person on the left (his right).  Notice the scales of Justice tip slightly to the left (his right ), indicating that the person on the left has won favor with the alms giver.  It could have been his story, sincerity, or perhaps intuition and senses that this person not only needs the help but will make a conscious effort to get himself out of his current situation.

Sometimes giving to those in need is tricky - when giving, everyone hopes that the person receiving the help will make a better life for themselves and not do the thing(s) that caused them to end up in the current situation to begin with.  But sometimes that's not always so, we help and the person continues down the destructive path, we help several more times and still the person receiving the help isn't better off.  Then we have to make a decision to cut that person off.  That's not an easy choice because sometimes it's a person we really love and care about, however, sometimes it's the only way to get that person to move in a direction that will bring about the real change they need in their life.