Wednesday, September 26, 2012

9 of Wands, reversed

Today's card, 9 of Wands, shows us a person who has survived a fight or two and he's behind a wall that he's erected, while holding a wand.  He's built a wall for protection from the outside, and he appears to be in a defensive mode.

We build walls inside ourselves when we feel vulnerable or under attack.  When this occurs we shut people out, we certainly are not kind to people who have hurt us, and we're alone and left to wonder what the hell happened, why is the world against us, or what's wrong with us.

The reverse of this card can mean these same things mentioned above but to a lesser degree.  Do not get trapped behind a wall of defense - look beyond the wall and confront the adversary and deal with the issues that separate you and the other party.  Be confident and speak your grievance but also listen to the other party as you might be doing something subconsciously add strain to the situation.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Seven of Cups, Reversed

Sometimes we're confronted with choices - some are clear while others are not.  There may be other choices that have yet to appear.  Patience, consideration, and possibly consultation may be needed to help you make a decision.  Do not rush t decision, be patient and observant today.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The World

The World card reminds us that we have arrived at a place of destiny.  The decisions of the past, for better or for worse, have brought us to this place in history.  We are exposed, nothing is hidden - the truth is apparent to everyone.  We are free, no inhibitions, no fear, the face of God shines on us.  We have the power to make our world and be in charge.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Eight of Swords, Reversed

The Eight of Swords shows us a woman bound, blindfolded, in a field.  She stand in water runoff , behind her is a secure fortress.  This woman feels bound, helpless, hopeless, and life seems to be running out of her.  The woman runs the risk of this imprisonment becoming comfortable and safe.

The reverse of this card would indicate that freedom has occurred or will occur very soon.  This person is becoming Spiritually aware and awake.  Hope, faith, love are returning to her.  The troubles of yesterday are behind her, the future is very bright and much alive.

Monday, September 3, 2012

The King of Wands, Reversed

The King of Wands shows us a king sitting on a throne and watching intently at the scene before him.  He's watching earnestly, with great interest, as if he might take action, if it is warranted.

When this card is in the reversed position, it would mean that situations might not be closely screened as they should be monitored, possibly things might be falling through the cracks because of too many responsibilities.  This would be a good time to prioritize, perhaps delegate tasks to others, so that you can focus on what is important.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Five of Wands, reversed

The reverse of the Five of Wands would indicate that the struggle for position or authority is coming to an end.  There could be a few pockets of resistance that may crop up between now and when the hostility is finally over, but that's to be expected.  When the dust settles, normality will resume, and things will move forward once again.

If you find yourself on the losing end of the situation, do not be bitter loser, this does nothing for you.  Being angry means you have allowed the other person or party to control you.  Instead, look ahead, see how you can make your situation positive then be a positive influence in your environment.

If you find yourself on the winning side, don't be the gloating victor.  Where possible, make peace with the other party and be accommodating but also set limits so that the other party knows who's in charge.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Four of Wands

This card shows us that recognition, achievement, or completion has occurred or will occur very soon.  Hard work, determination, the "don't quit" spirit has paid off.  However, when receiving accolades, don't forget to thank those who help you achieve your level of status - be there for them as they were for you.  Reciprocity makes the world go round and continues the blessing.

Friday, August 24, 2012

King of Swords

This card shows us a king with a sword in the right hand.  He appears to be studying or have focus on what's ahead of him.  He's even keeled, not easily excitable, patient, he's carefully watching how things will work out.  He has the power to make things happen when it's necessary.

So today, be patient with the situations you find yourself in, or with your relationships.  There may be things that are unclear that would cause you to want to out of fear and change course, or stop completely; but if you are patient you might find that the unconventional direction of the situation might just bring a pleasant surprise and be a bigger blessing than you envisioned.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Six of Swords

The Six of Swords tells is it's time to move forward, the past is the past.  There may be a feeling of loss or sadness, this is only temporary.  Look a head with expectation, it's time for a fresh start, a new life, a new vision, new opportunity.  Go, be free!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Five of Wands, reversed

The Five of Wands shows us a group of people fighting or struggling on a hill.  Turmoil, strife, struggle, anger, war-like all come to mind here.  Struggling for position, difficulty making an impact, crowded field are also other meanings.

The reverse position would indicate that the struggle or fight may be more noise than anything else.  Observe the situation and see if this is really something you need to become involved with.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ten of Wands, reversed

The Ten of Wands shows us a person carrying a stack of wands towards a dwelling.  His head is towards the ground, he's focused on the job at hand and is laboring.

The reverse of this card would indicate that the struggle isn't as great as it seems.  Take pause, see how to make the load easier to carry - perhaps you don't have to carry it. Perhaps if you look at the situation you may determine the load isn't for you to carry at all.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Five of Pentacles, reversed

The Five of Pentacles shows us two people, struggling, beat up by life, but persevering through a show storm  They may look tired, beaten, and struggling, but they are moving forward.  There is a light of the stained glass is symbolic of faith in God, the creator and overseer.  God is always watching over us, in good times and in bad.

The reverse of the Five of Pentacles would indicate that times may be tough they are not as tough as they could be - this is a temporary situation. Keep focus, keep moving forward, trust in God and God will see you through to the other side.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Seven of Wands, Reversed

The Seven of Wands, reversed, let's us know that the struggle is ending or subsiding.  However, this is not a time to back off  or become lax in your focus.  See the situation through.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Moon, Reversed

The Moon, reversed, lets us know that the two sides of our brain are at war - the reality and the imagined.  Take time and slow down and consider all sides of the situation, you may find, like the lobster coming from the deep, that a solution or that the battle for the mindis not as great as imagined. .

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Page of Swords

The Page of Swords shows us that we need to prepare for future events so that we can face challenges head on.  In this card the Page is facing a strong headwind, sometimes our challenges and situations feel like headwinds - we need to stand up to them but we also need to be practical as well.  In this card the birds in sort of a halo position represent higher or sophisticated thought -  and also notice the birds seem to be higher than the clouds, which represent uncertainty.  Our thought process must able to see all sides of an issue rather than being reactionary and further escalating an issue or situation.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

King of Cups

The King of Cups reminds us that when we find ourselves in rough waters or an emotional situation, we need to remain calm.  Certainly focus on what is immediately in front of you - people or decisions, but also look ahead.  Don't make rash decisions based on emotion - look at the entire situation and determine what is best for you.  Use your intuition, consult with others if necessary - realize how things are but also envision how things could be. Remain calm, the storm is only for a short season.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands reminds us to be aware, watchful, think, and consider all of the sides of a situation before acting or making a decision.  Remember to give leniency where it is due but also judge fairly when judgement is required.  The control of the situation lies with you - even if you can't control the outcome, you can control how you react to it.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Queen of Cups, Reversed

When the Queen of Cups is in the reversed position, we should recognize that intuition, insight, faith, hope could be blocked or limited on some level. Consider stepping away from the situation and meditate - be honest with yourself, perhaps you might discover that what you are doing or not doing is causing you not to see the full picture or perhaps there's a bit of denial about the reality of the situation.  Then take corrective action and move forward in a positive manner.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Four of Wands

The Four of Wands shows us two women celebrating a victory.  There's dancing and partying in the background.  In the background there is a huge fortress or perhaps a home - this symbolizes faith, strength, being grounded and level headed, or even strong home-ties.

The bridge in the background is a passing over of sorts.  Sometimes before passing into a easier part of our lives we have to go through a bit of trouble or go to places we do not want to go or deal with situations that we do not want to deal with.  I suspect this could be the reason why the victors in this card are so excited - they made it through the difficulties or overcame the odds that were stacked against them in their respective situations.

If today you're facing difficulties, keep persevering, keep a positive outlook, get help or guidance from someone, and keep plugging forward - you will get to the light, to the other side where and reap the rewards of not giving up.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Strength, reversed

The Strength card shows a woman playing with a lion - she has it under her command.  The lion's tale is between its legs and has a happy look on its face.

In the reversed position, the tables are turned on you - you're not in a position of strength or advantage.  This isn't necessarily a bad thing.  Watch the situation closely - if the person who is in command or the lead is open to suggestion then offer words of wisdom based on your past experience.  This can build trust and camaraderie and you might find yourself back in a place of influence once again..

If, however, the person in charge has their own agenda and isn't concerned about the rest of the team or will not take advice from others, then do what you can to minimize the affect of the fall out on you and on others.  Once the dust settles, others will see your proactiveness and possibly reward you for it.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

10 of Wands, reversed

The 10 of Wands shows us a person carrying a big load - he's determined and is focused on moving the load to the proper place.  The reverse of this card could mean lack of focus or determination.

You may have found yourself in a place where things are easier now because of new opportunity - but because things are easier now this isn't a time to become at ease.  Now, more than ever, you need that same focus, drive, and determination that brought you to this point.  The obstacles are there, you may not have found them yet.  This might be a good time to consult with a more experienced person to find out what obstacles or cycles might lie ahead.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Three of Wands

In this card we see a person looking at the world from a high place, surveying the landscape.  Behind him are two Wands planted in the ground, which are symbolic of a doorway.  The ships in the water are symbolic of thoughts going through the mind.

This person is envisioning the future and all it's possibilities, he's planning and looking to exploit and enhance things that occur naturally or finding places that could pose obstacles and taking a mental notes.

This card reminds us that sometimes we need to take time out and pause, plan for the future, explore new possibilities for family, career, even vacation.  Be mindful not to rush through this thought process - while the ships may be on the surface of the water, below the water is a whole new world of possibilities - meditate and perhaps journal your thoughts.

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Tower

One of the cards in the Tarot deck that strikes fear into the hearts of quarents when this appears in the reading.  The Tower looks ominous, terrifying, as lightening has struck the tower causing it to catch fire and it's occupants have taken flight as they have jumped and are in free-fall in the air.

Really, there is nothing to fear here at all, it is a cautionary card meaning that possible sudden change could be coming quickly. The seat of control and power may shift suddenly and without warning.  Perhaps people we were depending on suddenly cannot fulfill on their intentions.

On the other hand, perhaps the old management will quickly be ushered out and replaced with someone who has great people skills, perhaps co-workers who are a thorn in your side will suddenly move on to new opportunities, or perhaps you will receive a new job or promotion - or unexpected money will arrive!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

9 of Cups

The Nine of Cups shows us a person sitting in front of a display of  Cups, he seems to be proud of his accomplishments and saying, "look what I achieved!"

Setting goals and executing a plan is rewarding, however, be careful not to become arrogant or "big headed" - be a light and inspiration to others so that they too can see the possibilities of achievement in their situation.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Two of Swords, reversed

The Two of Swords shows a woman blindfolded, sitting on a bench with swords balanced on her shoulders.  The Moon is in the sky above her right shoulder.  Balance, affection, courage come to mind.

However, in the reversed position, this card signifies stalemate, disloyalty, or lies.  When we find ourselves in this situation, we need to step back and try to access the situation.  The Moon reminds us to use our intuition - usually the first instinct is usually correct.  Be bold and call out things that are untrue, unfair, or morally wrong.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Emperor

The Emperor sits on his throne watching and sizing up all that is going on.  He's watching, he's waiting, he's ready for battle - if the situation is worthy of a fight, but he's also approachable as symbolized by the soft, red garment.

He's passionate about his beliefs and he has years of experience full of triumph - he's solid, like the mountain range behind him.  He's unmovable and secure in his place.

The Emperor reminds us that while we need to be ready for a fight, we also need to pick our battles and let the little stuff go.  Be steady in our beliefs but also be open to new ideas and avoid becoming set in our ways.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Lovers

The Lovers shows us that to have a complete, trusting relationship we must bear our souls to one another - no secrets can exist.

We see that the woman is looking to the heavens, behind her is a tree of life of sorts that is fruitful, however on the tree there's the snake attempting to whisper "sweet nothings" of deception into her left ear.

The man is looking at the woman.  In previous readings I've only seen the man look at the woman and ignoring the words from heavens as he burned with desire, as signified by the burning tree behind him.  However, today I see the man looking at the snake, watching it's every move while listening to the words coming from the heaven.  The man is the woman's protector, she's the apple of his eye, with arms waiting to receive her.

Nothing is between these two individuals, as it should be.  This is a reminder that we should keep no secrets in our relationships, look and listen to the heavens for guidance, and watch out for one another.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Ace of Wands

New beginnings, new inspiration, and creativity.  The blank canvas is ready for new ideas to take shape.  This is also a time of new beginnings as the sky is the limit - growth, freedom, lack of boundaries.  You have the Midas touch - go for it, don't put off that what you've been wishing to try.  Believe and receive!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Two of Pentacles

The Two of Pentacles shows is a person juggling two spheres and dancing on level ground.  In the background there is a rough sea with ships riding the waves.  On the outside people see you has being able to keep multiple situations in check with what appears to be little effort, however, inside you may feel uneasy or even out of control in some instances.

When you find yourself in a situation like this it would be important to find time for yourself so that you can relax and rejuvenate - without taking time for yourself you could burn out and cause your situations to spiral out of control.  Also as you relax you might find ways to better mitigate each situation, if not resolve them.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Three of Swords

Clouds, rain, three swords piercing the heart - this could be a sign that there is trouble or trouble (heartbreak) could be on the way.  Be cautious, question things that seem unclear or confusing to verify that your hunch is correct.  Sometimes leaving a bad situation is better than attempting to work through it - asking questions, hearing the answer could reveal what is already known in the heart; also watch the body language because sometimes that speaks volumes as well.

While the situation may be unpleasant, look for positives and lessons learned from this experience, they will serve you well in the future.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Strength, reversed

The Strength card shows us a a woman who has a lion under control and is giving it all kinds of attention, even the lions tail is between it's lets.  This would symbolize that this person has enormous power and influence over this beast, which is the King of the jungle.  The world is at hand, the beast is agreeable to anything.

However in the reversed position, power and influence perhaps isn't as great as thought - perhaps your sphere of influence is shrinking, or even worse you have lost power or influence in the situation.  Perhaps the loss of power or influence was due to negative thinking or other negative influences - this is represented by the Lemniscate, just above the woman's head (the figure 8 symbol).

Step back and take a look a the situation and the influences that have caused this leadership change.  If it was due to negativism or faulty thinking, regroup and make positive changes and move forward.  If it was due to changes beyond your control, still be positive, regroup and find ways to make the best of the situation and look for new opportunities to positively influence the situation.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords shows is a person on a horse racing towards a situation with his sword fully drawn.  He's in battle armor and wearing a red cape.  This person is ready for a fight, which is represented by the armor while the red cape represents passion.  It would also appear that he is running into a strong headwind as the trees and clouds seem to be moving.

Sometimes situations require swift and decisive actions, sometimes they do not.  While the horse is obeying the rider and charging into the situation it would also appear that it is looking back at the rider as if to say, "is this really necessary?"

So the question is, does the situation require swift and decisive action?  If so, what are the ramifications?  What impact will this have on relationships?

The birds high above the horse and rider symbolize intuition and spiritual thoughts.  Taking time to pause and reflect on the situation could be in order before making quick decisions.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Seven of Cups

The Seven of Cups is a card telling us there are choices that we need to make or that a situation where choices will need to be made is coming.  Some choices will look appealing while others, if made, can have drastic or devastating consequences - both positive or negative, depending on the situation.  Don't rush to make a decision, rather contemplate each choice and the pro's and con's of each - perhaps talk you situation over with a friend or close confidant and determine if you may be overlooking something.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Try to find balance when life becomes chaotic.  Remove yourself from the situation and look at things from the outside in.  This will help you find perspective and solutions that might have been hidden.  Things that you might have been opposed to might be the solution to the issue.  Ask the Universe for guidance and direction today to shine a light and dispel the cloud of confusion.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra is the receiver of light and is the link between wisdom and the spiritual insight.  The color violet and the number seven represents wisdom, creativity, enlightenment, and success.  When the mind is in tune with the spirit, answers come freely, that which is hidden is suddenly revealed, and success is easily achieved.  The impossible becomes possible and achievable.

This card may also be a sign that you need to pause and meditate on spirit and reconnect with the source of life and light.  Pause for a moment and allow the spirit of God to speak to you and bring encouragement as well as enlightenment.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Three of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles shows us two on the right individuals discussing a plan with a master craftsman, which is on the left.  There is a pillar that separates the people on the right from the craftsmen on the left.  This separation represents two trains of thought or two interpretations of the vision.  The craftsmen could be pointing out better ways of completing the plan or explaining how the plans show one thing but there are limitations in the actual work environment.

So today, we may need to stop and mull a vision or a set of plans with someone who has a bit more experience so that we can be sure that the plan is as good as it can be and perhaps provide perspectives that may be hidden from us in plain sight.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords shows a soldier dressed in battle armor riding a horse riding very fast and into a head wind.  His sword is drawn ready to fight and ready to attack.  His eyes are focused on the fight ahead, however the horse seems to be looking back at the rider as to question the decision to fight this particular battle.

Certainly there's nothing wrong with fighting for what is right and just or to protect that which is yours or what you have worked for.  Sometimes the question is does the fight require guns blazing?  Or does this fight require overwhelming force?

The birds circling above the riders head represent the "higher thinking" or Spiritual thinking.  Before adding up those past experiences as "facts" and rush to a quick decision to and pummel a person or a situation.  Stop and think for a moment, is the wrong that you have rationalized in your mind really something that requires you to take someone to task?  Perhaps to get the result you want may require no words at all, some times the unspoken is more powerful than the spoken.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Three of Wands

The Three of Wands shows us a person standing on a high place, perhaps a hill or mountain an looking towards a large body of water.  This person is envisioning the next stage of his life.  The two wands behind him represent the door way to the future, which he as stepped into.  The boats passing two and forth represent the thoughts and dreams he's thinking about.  The water represents the depth of thought or what is yet to be seen.

His passion and confidence about the future is represented by the red garment he is wearing.  The Wand in his hand represents direction, power, leadership.  The mountains in the distance represent the challenges that await him.  The green represents growth or the desire to grow, and the blue sleeve represents freedom or open spaces.

Today stop and contemplate where you are and where you could be going -dare to dream about doing something new an exciting.  Perhaps plan a vacation to someplace you've never been, consider a business venture that you've had in the back of your mind, or start a group to change your community.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


We see the archangel standing at the waters edge, one foot is on the bank while the other hoovers in the water. His wings provide balance between the two worlds.  At the waters edge we see there are plants, a path, hills, the sun, and sky - these are things are are known and familiar.  In the water, that is the unknown - the water appears calm but we don't know the depth of the water or the life that is in it.  This is a time when we need to discover the unknown and find the deeper meaning of a situation or discover something new about ourselves and perhaps move to a higher spiritual experience.  Listen to the Spirit and dare to be lead with your intuition because you just might find that new and wonder experience that you have been searching for - and perhaps even new relationships with others who share the same like mindedness as yourself.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Page of Wands

The Page of Wands shows us a young person, dressed in yellow.  The yellow signifies creativity, being positive, or even hopeful.  He also holds a budding staff in his hands - this is a person who can make things happen when he sets his hands to something.  The buds are also a symbol of growth.  The mountains in the background are the challenges of yesterday.  The desert is a symbol of discovery, being alone, or reflection of the past.  The reptiles on the persons outfit represent change, growth, rebirth.

So today certainly is a day of change, learning from the past and taking those lessons to heart and becoming better - better at work at your job or perhaps learning how to handle difficult situations or relationships.  Yesterday is yesterday, reflect but do not dwell on mistakes - take them to heart, see where changes can be made, and move forward to claim the rewards of the future.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

King of Pentacles, reversed

The King of Pentacles is someone who is patient, waiting for the right opportunity, has vast resources, lacks for nothing.  He's confident, he's secure, he has vast knowledge or has the resources to go out and find those who do.  While his exterior is covered in a soft cloth, signifying he approachable, do not take advantage of his generosity and kindness because beneath that warm exterior he's wearing a battle armor and will fight for what is his.

In the reverse position, patience could be lacking perhaps you're vulnerable to take any opportunity without weighing all of the considerations - good and bad because the present situation isn't so great, or perhaps confidence is lacking.  This would be a sign to slow down and look at situations or relationships a bit closer, just to see if there's anything that is lurking in the wings that could make an uncomfortable situation more troubling.  Be bold, don't cower - for goodness sakes ask questions to see if this is the right situation for you.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Page of Wands, reversed

In the reversed position, the Page of Wands shows us that the person depicted here is lacking confidence or is unsure of himself.  He needs to dig deep and rediscover himself and realize that there are challenges in life, sometimes you win and sometimes you don't.  Those times when you've lost you have to regroup, dust off, and begin again - don't get bogged down and over-analyze what went wrong, that will only lead to frustration.  Find your motivation and move forward.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Nine of Swords shows a person suddenly awakened in the middle of the night and appears to have had a bad dream.  We see this symbolized by the carving on the bed where there's a agressor with a stick in their hand about to strike a defenseless person on the ground.

In this image, the person is wearing white sleep clothes, white is symbolic of purity, innocence - it's doubtful this person, even if they are perceived as being "in the wrong", set out to maliciously hurt anyone.  In fact, it could be that they said what needed to be said but could be second guessing themselves now.  This happens many times in relationships when we see someone who needs help and we try to reach out to them.

If there are things on your mind that are causing you sleepless nights, this could be a sign that those things that are bothering you mentally should be addressed and resolved as soon as possible.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Seven of Cups

The Seven of Cups shows a person with a variety of  possibilities, choices or decisions - each has it's own set of positive and negative repercussions. Sometimes when faced with so many choices the tendency is to just make a choice and get it over with, however great care should be taken before making just any decision. So today, if you are confronted with this type of situation, perhaps the best decision is to not make one and move on.  It's better to error on the side of caution than make a bad decision with lasting repercussions.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Ten of Pentacles

The Ten of Pentacles shows us a couple meeting on the street while an person, advanced in age, sits off to the side petting a dog.  The people are surrounded by walls and buildings/homes - there's a sense of security and happiness in the air.  There are also trees, which represent strength, growth, even triumph because they have survived the elements through years.

In this card we also see loyalty, as represented by dogs.  The child represents a new age, the tapestries on the wall recount the history of the past.  The elder in the person is also symbolic of the past and can relay the tales and stories of days gone by.

What we can draw from this card is a sense of accomplishment, triumph, security but we cannot forget the past and the sacrifices that have brought us to this point in our life - if we do then we're destined to repeat yesterdays mistakes.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Six of Pentacles

The Six of Pentacles shows us a person of statue giving alms from his right and  to a person wearing a yellow covering, he also holds the scales of Justice in his left hand in front of a person in a blue covering on his left.  Both people who are kneeling appear to have suffered through many issues in life - whether of their own devices or not.

The alms giver seem to have made a decision and is giving alms to the person on the left (his right).  Notice the scales of Justice tip slightly to the left (his right ), indicating that the person on the left has won favor with the alms giver.  It could have been his story, sincerity, or perhaps intuition and senses that this person not only needs the help but will make a conscious effort to get himself out of his current situation.

Sometimes giving to those in need is tricky - when giving, everyone hopes that the person receiving the help will make a better life for themselves and not do the thing(s) that caused them to end up in the current situation to begin with.  But sometimes that's not always so, we help and the person continues down the destructive path, we help several more times and still the person receiving the help isn't better off.  Then we have to make a decision to cut that person off.  That's not an easy choice because sometimes it's a person we really love and care about, however, sometimes it's the only way to get that person to move in a direction that will bring about the real change they need in their life.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Six of Cups, reversed

The Six of Cups shows forming new or reestablishing relationships, give and take, community, happiness, peace, stability, among other things.  However, in the reversed position, meanings of strained relationships, instability, sadness, selfishness come to mind.

We need to think about our relationships, where they are strained we need to try and work towards reconciliation - this could take time and today, even next week might not be the time to start.  However, if we have it in our hearts to make amends, the Universe will make a way.

Don't get me wrong, reconciliation doesn't always mean reunion and we continue on as if nothing has happened - it could mean just clearing the air in a civil manner, agreeing to disagree, apologize where apologies are due, and moving on.  This will help stabilize mental and spiritual imbalance so that new things, new relationships can come into your life.

Like the flowers in this Six of Cups, they started as a seed buried in the grown and with careful attention and love they flourish and become vibrant - so we to sometimes have to die  and separate ourselves for a time, be buried in order to rise and live another day.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Five of Cups, reversed

The Five of Cups in the reversed position would indicate that there is an ending of sorrow, loss, or negativity and more positive days are ahead.  While something negative may have happened in the past, that situation is not what defines you.

The bridge in the background of this card would indicate that there is more in life that needs to be explored - move forward, there are new experiences, fulfilling challenges and new relationships to be made, which is symbolized by the hills in the background.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Knight of Swords, reversed

The Knight of Swords shows an armored soldier with sword drawn and heading into a fight.  We can also see a strong headwind blowing him in his face, as seen by the swayed trees and fast moving clouds.  This is someone taking a challenge head on or who could be quick tempered and causing a raucous without having all of the facts.

In the reversed position, however, the opposite meaning would hold true - patience and levelheadedness should prevail.  Analyze all of the facts before rushing into judgement, there could be obvious details that might be missed by making a quick or rash judgement.  Take a few steps back or leave the situation for a moment or a day then come back and look at things from a refreshed prospective, you just might find that what was assumed may not be what is.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Page of Cups

The flowers on the Page's outfit are symbolic of growth while the flat surface he stands on is symbolic of being level headed.  The waves behind the Page are symbolic of emotion so while the Page is attempting to appear calm, cool, and like he has it all together, inside is a bit unsettled about things.  This is something that we all experience from time to time.

Taking some advice from the fish, the fish goes with the flow but it can also sense the slightest disturbance and run for cover, if you will.  Perhaps this is an indication that even though we might find ourselves in an uncomfortable situation now, rather than running away from the challenge, now would be the time to face the challenge and deal with the situation.  We just might find that the situation was not as bad as we thought.