Sunday, August 26, 2012

Five of Wands, reversed

The reverse of the Five of Wands would indicate that the struggle for position or authority is coming to an end.  There could be a few pockets of resistance that may crop up between now and when the hostility is finally over, but that's to be expected.  When the dust settles, normality will resume, and things will move forward once again.

If you find yourself on the losing end of the situation, do not be bitter loser, this does nothing for you.  Being angry means you have allowed the other person or party to control you.  Instead, look ahead, see how you can make your situation positive then be a positive influence in your environment.

If you find yourself on the winning side, don't be the gloating victor.  Where possible, make peace with the other party and be accommodating but also set limits so that the other party knows who's in charge.