Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Page of Cups

The Page of Cups shows us a young person standing on even ground, starring into a cup with a fish in it.  In the background, there are waves of water.

Water is a symbol for emotions, waves are a symbol for trouble or an unpleasant situation.  The red on the young persons outfit symbolizes passion.  So while there is a temptation of assessing the unpleasant situation and making rash decisions to get out and move on, this could be a prime opportunity for personal growth, symbolized by the flowers on the outfit.

Part of this growth experience will cause you to rely on your intuition, as symbolized by the fish.  The fish senses, reacts, and follows the current - sometimes the way out is the way through.  Don't be afraid to test the currents, they might take you to a different place that you originally expected.