Monday, September 19, 2011

Seven of Swords

The Seven of Swords is typically interpreted as a man running away from something.  What is interesting to me is that the ground the man is walking/running on is flat, smooth, stage like unlike the ground behind him where it's hilly.  This leads me to pause as to what is really going on here.  We could say that the person is indeed running away but he's just crossing the stage?  For what reason?  To me he's leaving a temporary situation, which is represented by the tents, which are mobile, they provide shelter but they lack the stability of a home built on a foundation.  This is a situation he's given much thought to which is why the area he's running along is flat, as opposed to the ground behind him.

We also see in this card that the flags are flying in a brisk wind, I see the winds as opposition, challenge, uncertainty.

There's also a meeting going on behind the man.  An elder is holding a very long rod and it appears there is one person in the group challenging him - perhaps, whatever the disagreement is about is the very reason why this person is leaving the situation.

The two swords in the ground, very close together, represent a door to me.  Being that the swords are so close together would tell me that there's limited opportunity or that there is an environment that's dictated by many rules.

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