Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Tower

Lightening strikes the tower and sets it on fire.  It's occupants are falling to the ground, one is even on fire.  When this card appears in a reading, typically concern, fear to the point of anxiety fills the quarents mind.  This card should not bring fear, however it could indicate that a sudden, rapid, and unexpected change could occur.  This change could be brought on my any number of reasons, some of which are beyond our control.  No matter the reason for change, what is important is how we handle the unexpected set of circumstances.  We can embrace the situation and, if it's possible, try work towards a resolution or accept defeat.

This could also be a time of needing to let go of a situation that you've held onto for too long and realizing that the situation is not going to change, no matter how much effort and good will is invested.  Sometime the realization isn't so quick to come by and other times we're too close to the situation to realize what's happening until it's too late.  Unfortunately, sometimes suddenly letting go is the best option for all parties involved.


  1. It should be noted that the falling yods are important. On one side of the tower you have a man falling with 11 yods to his right and one yod towards his face. The crown of light falls in the direction of the man. This is a fall of the spirit and soul. The woman maintains her crown and falls from the material (represented by 10 yods). This card shatters what is false spiritually and materially. So changes that are needed will fall into either category and will be catastrophic, life altering and permanent on any or all levels: spiritually, emotionally and physically.

  2. Thanks for the comment Bob. Looking at this card again, I didn't realize the crown of the woman was retained and thought it was her hair. This is why I love Tarot, you always see something new every time :)
