Thursday, September 15, 2011

Five of Cups, reversed

When this card appears in a reading typically many interpretations of this card are grieving over what was lost rather than being thankful that all was not lost, ignoring that out of a bad situation there's still hope, and other interpretations.  There are several clues in this card that draw me to this conclusion - there is a bridge over the river - the bridge can take us where we are to a new and different place.  What we need to do is get moving and accept that perhaps there was a setback but there's always hope and the ability to recover; of course sometimes recovery might take time.

There's also a house or fortress on the other side symbolizing a safe haven, a place to where we can recoup and recover, be surrounded by friends and family who will love us despite ourselves.

In the reverse position things are great, fabulous, situations that come up are petty and not worth dwelling over.

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